"This is a work of genius, a metaphor-studded treasure chest, filled with wisdom for anyone willing to go look. I've already ordered ten copies." -- SETH GODIN, bestselling author of THE ICARUS DECEPTION --"Fun and insightful lessons from a man who's lived life on his terms." -- KAMAL RAVIKANT, bestselling author of LOVE YOURSELF LIKE YOUR LIFE DEPENDS ON IT HAVE YOU EVER: --Wished you were someone else? --Struggled to fit in with the crowd at school, at work, at the local American Legion Post? --Said something hurtful to your beloved for no apparent reason? --Regretted the choices you've made to stay safe and secure? I'M NOT FOR EVERYONE. NEITHER ARE YOU. Is a highly concentrated, straight-to-the-bloodstream three part collection of axioms designed to help you to discover your singular inner style and to best express it in all of your personal and professional relationships. Without apology. Written down as "notes to myself" over the course of eight decades plus as a dancer/advertising superstar/performer/playwright/author, David Leddick teaches us that how you see yourself is how others see you So find your own style and express it as freely as you would a work of art.
Author: David Leddick
Publisher: Black Irish Entertainment LLC
Published: 04/01/2014
Pages: 154
Binding Type: Paperback
Weight: 0.38lbs
Size: 8.00h x 5.00w x 0.36d
ISBN13: 9781936891191
ISBN10: 1936891190
BISAC Categories:
- Self-Help | Affirmations
- Self-Help | Creativity
- Self-Help | Personal Growth | Self-Esteem
Author: David Leddick
Publisher: Black Irish Entertainment LLC
Published: 04/01/2014
Pages: 154
Binding Type: Paperback
Weight: 0.38lbs
Size: 8.00h x 5.00w x 0.36d
ISBN13: 9781936891191
ISBN10: 1936891190
BISAC Categories:
- Self-Help | Affirmations
- Self-Help | Creativity
- Self-Help | Personal Growth | Self-Esteem